During the process of getting a divorce, spouses may be experiencing emotional turmoil due to the downfall of their marriage. Divorce is not an easy task. Not only can it be costly, but it can prove to cause more turmoil between you and your spouse. There are many decisions in divorce that must be made. These decisions regard the divorce process itself and outcomes that must be decided upon for after the marriage is ended. There are many benefits to mediation that may prove it is easier to undergo than litigation. By undergoing mediation, the spouses have entered into an uncontested divorce. Although mediation can be difficult since couples have to decide on issues for themselves, it can be better than having a judge decide on issues for you two.

What are the benefits to mediation?

Mediation can be beneficial for couples to work out their issues with a third party mediator. This can prove to be beneficial since couples can make decisions for themselves instead of having a judge decide for them. The third party mediator is a neutral party that can assist in the process. Through this process, mediation can provide a better outcome since couples can work together to come up with solutions for marital issues. Marital issues can include alimony, child custody, child support and more. By deciding on these issues together, spouses can set a good example for the children. Since they may have to work together regarding child custody arrangements, it can maintain an amicable relationship between the two parents.

The process of mediation can be easier since it may be quicker than litigation. Spouses can go at their own pace for mediation sessions. They can take their time making decisions regarding marital issues or they may be able to come to conclusions in a quicker manner. Since mediation may prove to be quick, it can prove to be less costly as well. Litigation can be a time-consuming process that takes place in a public forum. Mediation allows couples to keep their matters private. Litigation can also prove to be more expensive since legal fees can add up over time.

Zimmet Law Group, P.C. is an experienced team of attorneys guiding clients through matters of estate planning and administration, divorce and family law, real estate, commercial litigation, business law, bankruptcy, and landlord-tenant law. If you require the services of an effective New York City attorney, contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.