The most important job of a parent is to make sure their children have a happy and healthy upbringing. However, caring for children can be made more difficult when the child’s parents are divorced. It is because of this that parents can come together to create a parenting plan. This allows them to outline how they wish to raise their children together, but separately.
The recent outbreak of the Coronavirus has led to drastic life changes for many across the state of New York. The state has called for people to stay at home and self-quarantine in an effort to slow down the spread of the virus. As no one was able to predict this, many parents may not have a plan in place or how to proceed under these circumstances. It is important to either create or modify an existing parenting plan to ensure you are ready for the weeks to come during this trying time. While most cases may be settled quickly if parents can communicate with one another, other cases may need a mediator or judge to help. Continue reading to learn what steps you can take to create a temporary parenting plan for the Coronavirus lockdown:
- While no one wants to consider the possibility of catching the virus or passing it onto their children, it is important to plan for the worst. This is because, in the event that it does happen, a plan should be in place regarding where the children or parents would go in the event of illness or quarantine.
- Determine places where your child can and cannot go, based on infected areas.
- Stay educated on the symptoms so that you know what precautions to take and what to do should someone in your family experience signs. This can include a runny nose, dry cough, fever, or pneumonia.
- Hire a mediator who can assist you and your former spouse in reaching agreements regarding temporary terms of child custody. Mediators are unbiased third-parties who help spouses find an outcome they can live with that is in the best interest of the child.
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Zimmet Law Group, P.C. is an experienced team of attorneys guiding clients through matters of estate planning and administration, divorce and family law, real estate, commercial litigation, business law, bankruptcy, and landlord-tenant law. If you require the services of an effective New York City attorney, contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.