Buying a house is likely the largest financial decision you are going to make in your lifetime. What’s more, it is likely the most complicated transaction you are going to experience. So you should not go through this decision alone but rather seek the advisement of experienced professionals. Read on to discover who you should speak to before buying a house and how a seasoned New York City purchase & sale real estate attorney at Zimmet Law Group, P.C. can be of service to you.
Who should I speak to before buying a house in New York State?
You may just assume that you only have to work closely with a real estate agent throughout your homebuying process in New York State. Well, you may be mistaken. Below are individuals who you should speak with before following through on this transaction:
- The seller: this individual may just be the most knowledgeable on the property; they may also provide you with a seller’s disclosure, which lists the problems they are aware of within the property.
- A loan consultant: this individual may advise you on what home you can comfortably afford, along with guiding you on the necessary documents for loan approval.
- A processing expert: this individual may review the necessary documents for loan approval, along with directly working with an underwriter.
- A home inspector: this individual may look for damages on the property, along with recommending what repairs to negotiate with the seller.
- A home appraiser: this individual may analyze the true market value of the property, along with ensuring that a lender gives the appropriate amount of money.
- A closing agent: this individual may confirm that the promises made in your contract are fulfilled, along with legally transferring ownership of the property.
What questions should I ask my real estate lawyer?
Especially if you are a first-time homebuyer, you may find comfort in knowing that you have a real estate lawyer by your side who has gone through this process numerous times. That said, when scheduling your initial consultation with a lawyer, it may be in your best interest to ask the following questions:
- Can you draft and negotiate a contract of sale on my behalf?
- Can you review title reports and lien searches on my behalf?
- Can you review the financial documentation on my behalf?
- Can you conduct dispute resolution on my behalf?
- Can you review zoning laws on my behalf?
- Can you represent me at closing?
Do not shy away from asking for help. Instead, you must make a valiant effort toward having these discussions. Reach out to a competent New York City real estate attorney at Zimmet Law Group, P.C. to learn how to get started on this process.