Purchasing real estate is likely one of the biggest monetary transactions you are going to make in your lifetime. Such a significant financial decision should not be made solo. Rather, you may benefit from the sound advisement of a real estate attorney. This is especially relevant if this is the first property you are buying into. Read on to discover how a seasoned New York City real estate attorney at Zimmet Law Group, P.C. can help you as a buyer.
As a buyer, how can a real estate attorney help me?
Simply put, it is not necessarily required to hire a real estate attorney when buying property in New York State. And you may just think that hiring a real estate agent is more than enough. But it is highly discouraged to do so. This is because an agent may just be concerned about earning a profit from your transaction, while an attorney may offer you the sound legal advice that you need to make a decision that is in your best interest.
Truthfully, an attorney may have a better understanding of what it means to buy real estate. This means that they may pick up on issues that you would have otherwise been unaware of. For example, an attorney may be able to better comprehend the complex legal terminology used in the purchase agreement, and therefore better identify issues with its terms. In addition, an attorney may be able to better identify issues with the property during an inspection and ensure that the necessary repairs are initiated.
What else can an attorney offer?
As you may have already concluded, the purchasing of real estate is a complex process. And so, the role of a real estate attorney is to streamline and simplify this process as much as possible for you. And above all else, an attorney may do everything in their power to ensure that you are entering a fair transaction. Without further ado, an attorney may offer you the following services:
- They may help prepare the first draft of your sales contract, along with finalizing it.
- They may help you communicate with lenders for the purchase of the real estate.
- They may help you gather the documents necessary for the purchase of the real estate.
- They may help process your downpayment on the real estate.
- They may help order the title report for the real estate.
- They may help calculate the remaining amount you owe when closing on the real estate.
- They may help you understand the documents that you are signing for the purchase of the real estate.
Regardless of what your specific circumstances may be, you must not second-guess your instinct to retain the services of a competent New York City real estate attorney from Zimmet Law Group, P.C. Schedule your initial consultation with our firm today.