The divorce process can be stressful for every couple. However, it is worth mentioning that are ways in which you and your spouse can alleviate some of the tension you may be experiencing. Continue reading to learn how to achieve a low-conflict divorce and how one of the experienced Manhattan divorce attorneys of Zimmet Law Group, P.C., can serve as your mediator or otherwise your support system.
What steps should I take to have a low-conflict divorce?
There are key approaches you can take so that you and your spouse can experience a low-conflict divorce.
First, you should not engage in heated communication via phone, text, email, social media, etc. Not only will this just create more conflict, but they can be used as pieces of evidence in court. Ultimately, the New York court will look down upon this type of behavior, which may impact their decisions on settlement agreements. It is best that you ignore aggressive messages, or at the very least respond in a neutral tone.
Second, you should keep your emotions in check. Understandably, emotions are heightened during divorce proceedings, but being driven by them will only hurt you in the long run. It is best if you enter a stage of acceptance for your current situation, as you no longer change what happened in the past.
Then, you should stop trying to fix your spouse. Obviously, you and your spouse are getting a divorce for a valid reason, so there is no longer a need to waste your energy on fixing something that you do not like about them. It is best if you channel this energy into fixing yourself, how you approach the situation, etc.
And lastly, if you and your spouse share a child, you should prioritize their best interest. Inevitably, you and your spouse are going to have to work on how to be co-parents. Regardless of what your differences with your spouse may be, you share the similarity of wanting to fulfill your child’s current and future needs. It is best that you remain amicable with your spouse so that your child can see that you still respect one another.
If you would like any more advice, you should retain the services of one of the skilled New York City divorce attorneys. We can even serve as your unbiased, third-party mediator throughout this negotiation process. Give our firm a call today.
Contact Our New York City Firm
If you require the services of an effective New York City attorney of estate planning and administration, divorce and family law, real estate, commercial litigation, business law, bankruptcy, or landlord-tenant law, contact Zimmet Law Group, P.C. today to schedule a consultation.